111c.  Map as Metaphor3

This is the third panel in a three-part series investigating how the map can be understood as a metaphor, both as material artifact and cultural object as well as an artistic tool. The series was organized by The Center for Book Arts and made possible through a grant by the New York Chapter of the American Painting History Association. Maps and atlases are an integral part of the history of the book as well as a physical and conceptual resource for book arts. This program of three panels features scholars, scientists, and artists who will explore questions about power, information, identity, economics, ecosystems, and culture. 

Panel 3: “The Artist Map: Appropriation and Creation”
Heidi Neilson, artist and co-founder of SP Weather Station.
Doug Beube, mixed-media artist and independent curator
Martin C. Brückner, Associate Director of the Center of Material Culture Studies and Professor of English, University of Delaware
Dahlia Elsayed, artist and Assistant Professor of Humanities at CUNY LaGuardia Community College
Katarina Jerinic, mixed-media artist and public space-based interventionist

play interview